Profile-Susana Chan

Susana is a fifth-year Cellular and Molecular Biology PhD student. She is from Miami, Florida, and attended Barry University where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. In the Markovitz laboratory she investigates the function of the Human Endogenous Retrovirus accessory protein Np9 in human malignancies.

Contreras-Galindo R, Kaplan MH, Garcia-Perez JL, Dube D, Gonzalez-Hernandez MJ, Chan SM, Meng F, Dai M, Omenn GS, Gitlin SD, Moran JV, and Markovitz DM. 2015. Human endogenous retroviruses type-K (HERV-K) virus particles package and transmit HERV-K related sequences. J. Virol. 89(14): 7187-7201

Zahn J, Kaplan MH, Dai M, Meng F, Chan SM, Dube D, Omenn GS, Markovitz DM, and Contreras-Galindo R. 2015. Expansion of a novel endogenous retrovirus throughout the pericentromeres of modern human. Genome Biol. 16(74): 1-24

Nakamura Y, Oscherwitz J, Cease KB, Chan SM, Muñoz-Planillo R, Hasegawa M, Villaruz AE, Cheung GYC, McGavin MJ, Otto M, Inohara N, and Núñez G. 2013. Staphylococcus δ-toxin promotes allergic skin disease by inducing mast cell degranulation. Nature 503: 391-401

Contreras-Galindo R, Kaplan MH, He S, Contreras-Galindo AC, Gonzalez-Hernandez MJ, Kappes F, Dube D, Chan SM, Robinson D, Meng F, Dai M, Gitlin SD, Chinnaiyan AM, Omenn GS, and Markovitz DM. 2013. HIV infection reveals wide-spread expansion of novel centromeric human endogenous retroviruses. Genome Res. 23: 1505-1513